Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Praying for Change, Stepping Out

Well, I guess I should get online a little more and post.
Anyway, I figured it was time to post something and had a pretty good idea on what subject in my family’s life would be good now. My wife and I have been praying about the possibility of me finding a home-based business that would allow me to make a better income and have the time to volunteer at my kids’ school with her this year.

My kids go to a small private Christian school. Before you think that I must make a killing, my wife’s volunteering is covering the cost of sending them there. In the past before fuel went up we paid some tuition, but were blessed to have a good portion of the tuition covered in other manners.

For this reason I’ve made a move that some would call rash or even stupid. I’ve listed on eBay a chance to share in my life by purchasing a share. Now this isn’t a business thing it just my way of asking for those who are the philanthropist among us to consider me as a worthy individual to give to so that I may do a better job being a parent instead of being stuck working in such a way that I have little to no contact with my wife and children.

Some of you will probably see this as a shameless plea for a handout. So be it, I will accept that knowing that God will expect us to lay down our pride to receive a blessing. If I’m out of line I will be reproved by him.

So to the listing, it is on eBay under the title “Shares of my life”. The shares will be offered at $2.00 per share and anyone may purchase as few or as many as they would like.

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